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Summer 2016 Meme Series: Reason #1 to Support the 21CSC

Summer 2016 Series: Why You Should Support the #21CSC

Every Wednesday between June 15th and August 31st, we’ll release a new shareable image depicting a reason why it’s important to support the 21CSC initiative. Post these images on your social channels to let people know why the 21CSC is a good idea.   

June 15th – REASON #1 to Support the 21CSC: there’s a lot of work to do on our public lands

America’s land and water management agencies – like the National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service – have billions of dollars in unmet maintenance needs and not enough resources to keep up. To help ensure that our parks can stay open, these agencies partner with 21CSC programs to put trained young people to work on important projects on our public lands.