21CSC Act


Corpsmembers with Rocky Mountain Youth Corps – NM


21CSC Act Resources
About the 21CSC Act
21CSC Act Promotional Toolkit

21CSC Act Resources

About the 21CSC Act

The bipartisan 21CSC Act was introduced in the United States Senate (S.1403) and House of Representatives (H.R.2987) in June 2017. The bill was introduced in the Senate by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), and Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM). It was introduced in the House by Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ), Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA), Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO), and Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ). This bill is a merger of previously introduced versions of the 21CSC Act (S.1993 – introduced August 2015, and H.R.5114 – introduced April 2016) and the Public Lands Service Corps Act (S.1160 and H.R.2167 – both introduced in April 2015). This new 21CSC Act represents a bipartisan effort among sponsors and cosponsors of both the 21CSC and Public Lands Service Corps bills to work together for the advancement of Corps as a public-private strategy to meet the needs of America’s resource management agencies and provide work opportunities for young adults and veterans.

The 21CSC Act would allow federal land and water management agencies – like the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service –  to create formal, more flexible partnerships with 21CSC member organizations. It would also enable additional federal agencies to more easily partner with 21CSC organizations to accomplish their goals. Specifically, the 21CSC Act would:

  • Expand the number of federal agencies that can work with 21CSC programs. Enlisting Conservation Corps to do priority work has often proven to be more cost-effective for federal agencies.
  • Encourage federal agencies to collaborate, and require that they use only existing resources to work with 21CSC programs, meaning there would be no additional cost to tax-payers.
  • Establishes new coordinators at participating agencies to ensure the efficient functioning of the 21CSC.
  • Prioritize the engagement of recent veterans, native, and disadvantaged youth in 21CSC programs, and establishes a new Indian Youth Corps program.
  • Establish standards for data collection and measuring the effectiveness of 21CSC programs.
  • Provide two years of non-competitive hiring eligibility with federal agencies for young people and veterans who gain valuable skills through service in 21CSC programs.
  • Provide new Internship and Resource Assistant opportunities for Corpsmembers, along with direct hiring authority.

Help get the 21CSC Act passed

There’s a lot you can do to help move the 21CSC Act! We need your help to get the word out about the 21CSC Act and urge your US House & Senate Members to get this cost-saving, bipartisan bill passed!

How you can help

  1. Use this template to compose a letter (Yes, on paper! This is far more effective than an email or phone call) to your Senators and House Members and deliver it, or mail it to their district office closest to you. (If your House or Senate Member is on this list of top targets, please also send this message to their staff) 
  2. Use this template and submit an Op-Ed to your local paper
  3. Use this template and send a Letter to the Editor of your local paper
  4. Use this template and put out a Press Release from your organization
  5. Copy and paste this template message into emails to your Senators and House Members.(If your House or Senate Member is on this list of top targets, please also send this message to their staff)
  6. Get on social media – use this helpful packet with sample tweets and FB messages, as well as handles and hashtags
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