Category Archives: Quarterly Bulletin

Leslie Weldon, Deputy Chief of National Forest System, Speaks Out About the Value of Shared Stewardship

Submitted by the U.S. Forest Service

“Expanding our capacity for increased volunteerism and service is critical to the long-term sustainability of the Forest Service and the public lands legacy.”
Leslie Weldon, Deputy Chief, National Forest System

What do Forest Service units gain by working with 21CSC partners?
Working with community organizations through the 21CSC not only adds value to the mission of the Forest Service by helping us get things done now, it invests in the future of the agency by reaching and engaging new and/or traditionally underserved populations and communities. The Forest Service also gains by increased connections with communities and citizens in conserving public lands by nurturing a personal commitment by 21CSC participants who gain valuable work skills, healthier lifestyles and deeper appreciation for public lands. Continue reading